


To create and promote convenient transportation options for people

that will enhance mobility, foster economic prosperity, and reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.


  • Expand awareness, availability, access, and utilization of multi-modal transportation choices
  • Cultivate pedestrian routes to places where people live, work, and play along the West Corridor
  • Create and help implement dynamic multi-modal plans for employers, residential properties, schools, mixed-use centers, and special events
  • Work to increase the safety of the corridor for all users through innovation and collaboration


  • Assisting with alternative transportation trip planning
  • Facilitating promotional campaigns
  • Managing commute information booths
  • Establishing employee benefit programs
  • Hosting commute matching events and on-site commute information fairs
  • Creating action plans for large employers
  • Producing campaigns for promotion and outreach to target individual commuters
  • Supporting, promoting and hosting events for regional TDM campaigns, such as Go-Tober and Bike to Work Day
  • Let's Go Denver Safer Streets Pledge

Way to Go is a one-stop resource to change the way people commute.

West Corridor TMA is the Way to Go provider for the West Metro area.

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